Desktop Applications

Game developer (3D applications)
Looking for someone with experience in developing responsive 3D applications for PC or mobile utilizing game engines.
05 february 2025, 09:29 in Desktop Applications
585 0
Software Engineer Status: open
We are looking for someone to automate systems for our company.
Skills: C++, JavaScript, Python, API, Java, Artificial Intelligence
$ 400
06 february 2025, 06:18 in Desktop Applications
564 0
JS Dev Needed Status: open
JS Dev Needed to bring an existing TypeScript / Electron App back to life!

We used to have a desktop app that we could run that would show us a chat interface app…
05 february 2025, 04:11 in Desktop Applications
587 0
I have an invoice generator app idea, where I would like to set up AWS Amplify as backend. Your job will be to set up AWS cognito for auth, data modeling for database, and proper setup…
05 february 2025, 01:08 in Desktop Applications
605 0
We are a young StartUp in the Seed phase. At the moment looking for a Full Stack Developer to join our team ASAP for a global B2B eCommerce Platform ecosystem in Laravel.

Yesterday at 20:42 in Desktop Applications
595 0
Software that will detect when any other software is making screenshot/screen capture

Looking for a dev that would be able to create a simple app that will notify…
06 february 2025, 11:10 in Desktop Applications
599 0
We need a technical manager for our project for about 2-3 month.

o Understand infra sizing for different capacity, Network and inter-component connectivity,…
Yesterday at 13:47 in Desktop Applications
575 0