In the AI Department, we are currently looking for a full-time Computer Vision Analyst. This position will be in charge of image analysis and research…
18 january 2025, 20:04 in AI
479 0
We are an international startup looking for a robotic vision expert with face recognition experience.

These are the necessary experiences:
Yesterday at 00:47 in AI
494 0
The Machine Learning Engineer acts as a consultant for the client, assisting in the development of self-running artificial intelligence (AI) software to automate predictive models for…
Today at 01:35 in AI
507 0
We're looking for Conversational AI experts in Rasa with a track record of success.
Ongoing Rasa and core customization development for an omni-channel, conversational B2B platform.
18 january 2025, 21:17 in AI
551 0